52 Weeks Project

Week 25: Feel the Power!

We Are Powerful!

This week’s list is about feeling powerful. What makes us feel powerful and how can we surround ourselves with that power to make it through the day?

Me? There’s one thing on my list:

  1. Faith! Faith! Faith! It can move mountains, mend broken hearts, heal the deepest scars, give you courage beyond comprehension. It’s not easy, don’t get me wrong. But without my faith, I’d be lost- screwed, to be perfectly frank. I don’t know how people live without it.

The Word talks over and over again about not being afraid, how God didn’t give us a spirit of fear but of power! If you’re nervous, that’s okay. Gideon hid in a cave! If you’re feeling inadequate, no worries. Moses can teach you a thing or two about that. Been a real jerk? Done some stupid crap? Check out what David pulled. Jeez!

Even the worst of us can regain our power through faith and humility. There’s no such thing as a lost cause or someone who is too messed up. Trust me. See, I’m not a biblical scholar. I sucked at teaching the preschoolers basic Bible principles, okay. What I do know is that faith in God’s ability to transform the biggest looser into the biggest hero is REAL.

Maybe you have other insights on this? I’d like to hear them. Have a story of faith you want to share? Go for it!

Power in Numbers

I’d like to use this post with a shameless plug to another blog I’m a part of. It’s called A Pen and A Prayer. I’m so blessed to be invited by fellow authors, Tawdra Kandle and Olivia Hardin, to blog here as the Spirit leads. It’s a place where writers share their thoughts on living in today’s world, being a believer, and writing. It’s not your typical “religious” blog- we get real! I’ll be posting more about the power to over come fear over there. Please go check it out!


Until next time, I’ve discovered Bitmoji- you’re all in trouble now!