52 Weeks Project

Week 24: Gettin’ Quirky!

Quirky People Welcome!

Anyone who had known me for any length of time understands certain quirks that I have. We all have those nuances that make us…US. Today, we celebrate those. My quirks vary from habitat to habitat so I’m going to go down the line and share some of the traits that make me…ME!

Quirk at Work-

I’m crazy religious about having my work space in order. On a recent trip to the bank I saw a desk covered in stacks of folders, paper, notes, and things that looked too important to just be piled in a mountain that could turn into an avalanche at any moment. It scared me! That’s not something I could handle. I like to have everything in the right place for maximum functionality and efficiency. I color code, file, label, and organize until I’m comfortable in the space. Only then can I work at my best.

I also have to sit up high. My husband likes to jack with me by lowering my desk chair all the way down. He says it’s weird to sit up so high that I need a foot rest under my desk. Ummmmm…..

(Maybe quirky is just a nice way of saying OCD? Or Weird?)

Home Quirks-

Once I get home, there is nothing more sacred than unwinding and relaxing. My personal spaces are full of soft, squishy blankets and pillows because I treasure that moment when you get to nestle in and write or read or binge watch. It’s a beautiful thing. But, no feathers and no fur. If I wanted to cuddle up to Big Bird, I would.

“Cleanliness is next to sanity.” Isn’t that how it goes? No? Okay, well for me, it is. Here’s the kicker- with three kids, three dogs, and three jobs, things are never clean!

(I’m going to point out that this might be the main reason I’m insane when it come to my house. LOL)

It’s called life, right? We are a busy, active, mess of awesomeness and over the last decade I’ve had to come to terms with reality- LIFE IS MESSY! My mom has a sign that says, “A clean house is the sign of a life well wasted.” And boy-oh-boy I don’t want to waste my life.

Quirky Worlds-

I actually love to create quirky worlds for my readers. Taking the myths out of mythology and inserting my own take on Greek gods. Having interracial shapeshifters and figuring out what type of kids come from a bear-shifter and a lion-shifter. Creating female characters who thrive in male dominated careers. It’s fun to take something known and make it a mystery by twisting and reshaping it.

Quirky Friends-

What a blessing it is to be surrounded by weirdos like you! I’ll take your quirky any day of the week. Last Saturday I had the privilege of attending Fresh Fiction’s Boas and Tiaras event in Dallas. It was fabulous to spend time with other authors and readers alike. I want to leave you with a few pics from the day and consider this your invitation to join me at the next event!

This week, as you meditate on your own quirks, remember every ingredient of your personality makes you better or worse. Try to focus on the ingredients that make you better!

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