52 Weeks Project

Week 9/52: Treasured Things & News!

Happy Birthday to ME!

This past weekend, I had the privilege of celebrating another year on this earth. Yep, Saturday was Happy Birthday to me. Some people might get bent out of shape about birthdays, but I figure they are a treat that too many people are deprived of. Life might not be perfect for any of us, but it’s much better than the alternative. At least you have a shot to make things better today than they were yesterday.

I was lucky enough Friday night to join our incredible youth group at a Newsboys concert. My daughters were with me and so were all of my adopted kiddos. Not to mention some of the coolest adults I’ve ever met! We had a blast. We danced, we sang, we jumped up and down, and we praised.

Thank you so much to everyone who posted on my Facebook, sent me messages and texts, sent me cards, and called me. I am humbled and appreciative to you all!

Changes in communication:

Over the last couple years, I’ve consistently put out a monthly newsletter. Each month I try to feature another author, inform my readers about new books, new projects, and what has been going on in my personal life. What I’ve found, through tracking and click-through rates, and a whole bunch of other things that make my head burt, is that only a hand full of people open the newsletters, and only a handful of those pay enough attention to click on the links leading to other authors or books. I’m aware that not all analytics are accurate, but I’ve seen steady numbers.

Instead of posting this weekly blog AND doing a monthly newsletter, I’d rather continue our weekly chats. I’ll add in the information usually found in my newsletters and keep things more updated here. The newsletter will continue for a couple months, just to get people transitioned.

As a thanks, next week I’ll have the first chapter of WHY THE RIVER RUNS, right here with my list!

How does that sound???

Week 9 List!

This week is all about things we treasure. People, items, etc.

  1. People: please see list #7, the people who brighten my day! LOL.
  2. My computer. Stay with me- you have to remember what my computer holds: BOOKS! My books, my Kindle app, my Nook app, my iBooks app….see where I’m going with this? Having my computer with me means that anywhere I am, I’m able to write and THAT is my lifeline.
  3. Pictures: I’m not one to take selfies all the time, but I can’t seem to take enough pictures of my kids, my husband, my dogs, everything. Six months from now, six years from now, I look back and the memories make me smile.
  4. My home: not the structure, but the people. My mom built the foundation on which I stand, I see myself as the walls that hold everything in safe, my husband is the roof that keeps us all covered and secure. My kids fill it all with their joy and smiles and dynamic personalities. They are my home no matter where we live.
  5. My church. Again, I’m not talking about a building, but the people who make it up. No matter where I am in my journey, these are the people who have lifted me up, supported me, allowed me to support them, and done life with me. I have no words for how much I love them.
  6. Mementoes: A mug from Cannon Beach, a card from my husband, a mask from shirt from Forks, WA, a mask from New Orleans, WINGS!
  7. A soft blanket. You know you understand. There’s nothing better than a warm, soft blanket to write, read, or sleep with. The fuzzier the better!
  8. MY READERS! I treasure each one of you and I appreciate every penny you have spent on my books. I truly try to deliver a story worthy of your hard earned dollars and your time and your affections. Your letters, your messages, your reviews- all of them keep me going! THANK YOU!!!

Okay, things you treasure….and GO!
