Week 33: Being a Leader & Paperback Sale!

Paperbacks on Sale! The paperback first edition, advanced reader copies, of Why The River Runs is on sale for only $4.99, including shipping! I only have 13 copies, so it’s first come, first serve…just send me $4.99 thru PayPal here, make sure to include your mailing address…enjoy!!! Wild Vacation My family finally snuck away last […]

Week 32: Get Energized, Get Moving!

What Gets You Energized? Don’t know about you, but it’s a Monday over here! I’ve needed extra coffee today, so this week’s list is kind of ironic. List the ways you get energized: Dancing and singing in the shower. Yep, I’m one of those people! I crank up my Spotify playlists, sing at the top […]

Weeks 27, 28, & 29- Cuz Life Happens!

Life In Progress…. Beware! We’re going to tackle three weeks at once, because some how I’m two weeks behind. Have you every done that? Realized your behind and you have no idea where the days have gone? That’s me. Right now. Let’s dive right in. Week 27: List the things that make you feel healthy: […]

Week 24: Gettin’ Quirky!

Quirky People Welcome! Anyone who had known me for any length of time understands certain quirks that I have. We all have those nuances that make us…US. Today, we celebrate those. My quirks vary from habitat to habitat so I’m going to go down the line and share some of the traits that make me…ME! […]

Week 23: Laughter, Boas, & Tiaras

Boas & Tiaras is THIS SATURDAY!!! It’s time for the annual Boas & Tiaras event in Dallas! I’m excited to be joining a cast of fabulous authors for afternoon tea & book talk. My dear friend, Susan Sheehey and I will be hosting one of the author tables together! Yay! Dust off your tiaras, throw […]

Week 22 Favorite Places and Upcoming Events

It’s a Tues-Monday! I hope that you took time yesterday to honor our fallen military. We are so blessed to have men and women who willingly give their lives and service to the country. My heart goes out to all who have lost soldiers. Thank you for your sacrifice. We had a beautiful tribute at […]

Weeks 20 & 21- Because Life Happens!

Life Happens. You know? Let’s just be real for a moment, shall we? The last couple months have been iNsAnE. My husband and my brother have been business partners for over three years and we have recently separated our companies. It’s hard going through a divorce, even a business one. There’s so much paperwork and […]

Week 19: Desired Traits & Upcoming Events

June Means Boas & Tiaras! Hey (or Howdy) to all my Texas readers! I’m going to be in Dallas on June 10th for Boas & Tiaras at the historic Adolphus Hotel. You should join me and 13 other awesome authors for afternoon tea and a book signing. I’ll be showcasing my latest book, WHY THE […]

Week 17: I’m A Survivor!

Week 17: Lessons From Trials! This week’s blog hits close to home. The topic is about things we’ve survived and how they have shaped who we are. It’s just fact that life will be full of trials. There’s no avoiding it, not if you’re putting yourself out there every day, giving it your best. So […]

Week 14: Spring Cleaning!

Spring Cleaning! Happy spring everyone! I love this time of year. Open the windows of the house, have lunch on the patio, and soak up the sun without frying like we do in summer. Flowers are blooming, the mornings are just cool enough to still wrap up in a blanket while you drink your coffee, […]